Ok, so I don't know how my fellow mommy-bloggers find the time to get anything, much less anything mildly entertaining, into their blogs on a semi-regular basis. I am feeling a bit be-frazzled lately. As in, why can't I find ANYTHING in my house? This has become a virus that is being caught by all my belongings. I mean, I try to pick up after my little tornado of a son and the ever so brief "visits" from the hubby (I'm pretty sure he's changed his address to the office these days- trial mode month- ewwwwww). But to no avail. Things keep randomly going missing into the black hole of my home. In addition, or maybe it's all part of the same thing, I feel like my brain is made of swiss cheese lately. This one really hurts. I used to have a nearly perfect memory. I could remember the most random itty bitty details of things. I remembered dates, numbers, heck, even what page I had read said random fact. Now??? It's redonkulous. I can't remember my OWN phone number, much less anyone else's. I can't remember things that happened to me in the past. I can't remember shit, basically. It's really really scary. I'm hoping it will pass, that maybe it's just a temporary symptom of hormonal imbalance caused by the birth of munchkin #2, combined with the lack of energy from chasing after munchkin #1. Staying home with the babes is definitely the right choice, as my little guy has never been so healthy before, not since before he started daycare. But along with the reduced income, staying home has taken a pretty big toll on the mommy-person. Oh well, as my much more "famous" blogging cohort Aunt Becky says, there are people WITHOUT FEET. So I'll stop whining now. :) Here's a pic of the little 'uns to remind us why we are here.

I literally went into a store wearing a jacket last night and walked out without one, completely unaware that I had done so. I forgot I had even worn my jacket inside, I forgot I took my jacket off in the ladies' room, and I failed to notice my jacket was missing till we got to our next destination and I was jacketless. Thank god we'd only gone to the other end of the shopping plaza. I believe this is called "mommy brain" and yes, it does pass. I think. I hope. I pray. (Are we sensing a theme?) Stay at home moms seem to have it the worst. We get so wrapped up in keeping track of our kids, we forget to keep track of everything else. (Well, this is my theory anyway.) And god knows if we didn't keep track of the munchkins, the house would fall apart.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's a balancing act? Okay, so you substitute remembering when you gave kid #1 a PB sandwich for where you put the car keys. Will it kill them to have two sandwiches? Probably not. Losing the car keys? Very bad. I just hope we can pick and choose what we remember and what we let fall through the cracks, 'cause you know, forgetting when kid #2 had their last round of tylenol when they're in teething hell just so you can remember where you put the junk mail down... not so helpful. LOL
Who cares if you find time to blog....look how cute your babies are!
ReplyDeleteHahahaha. To add to the mush that is my brain.... My little guy got home from our morning/lunch playdate and he had to use the potty. So he pulls down his shorts and what is there? His pajama bottoms!!!! How the heck did THAT happen??!?!?!?! I must be losin it... Oh well, I'm just gonna enjoy the ride, and laugh. :)
ReplyDeleteAm totally with you. I have gone from knowing where pretty much EVERYTHING is to being kind of brainless. This makes me stabby and MEAN.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog while searching for cloth diaper in Miami. I'm in town from Austin and looking for a place to pick up one or two more bum genious CDs. Any suggestions of places if there are any?
ReplyDeleteMy problem is that I'm a WAHM and *STILL* have that memory loss. And you totally need to join the pledge to find "Me" time, with our mutual friend Aunt Becky.